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Apr 18, 2007


It is so amazing to always surf the internet about different topics or life styles it increases our knowledge alot, it gives me also to know about how things r changing everyday in different fields i love to share whatever new things i get or tips concerning almost anything. and that helps to be more creative about my own stuff

my ideas about how to makeover our house or clothes or old stuff at home are many, actually i dont even know to start with what......!

but then i dont get rid of many old thing i hve as i can remodel it or change it to totally a new thing that i can enjoy.....

if i hve anld jeans i wont cut it to be a short as usual here something i can do it my self or let a tailor help me with......i can make a handbag out of it like cutting off the jeans using the upper part where the zip and button and pockets shown as a new handbag style and cut like a broad stripe and choose the length that suits meand stich it from both sides.
i can even stich it myself.....also adding some colors by using fabric colors and some shiny work to it also can make it a special handbag that im sure will be one of its kind coz u will develop it according ur own style ....its SO SIMPLE just keep this idea in mind .....
dont throw the rest of the jeans as we can use it in many aother things ill post it later in my NEW IDEAS cateogory

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